ClairAudience Development

Clairaudience | Hearing

What is Clairaudience?

Clairaudience comes from the french words clair (clear), and audience (the action of hearing). Put them together and you’ve got clear hearing. Clairaudience is a psychic ability that means you can receive intuitive information from your Higher Self, those in heaven, and members of your spiritual “team” (Spirit Guides, angels) via hearing. You might hear sounds, voices, words, or music.

Examples of Clairaudient

1. Hear someone saying your name when no one is around

Do you get whisps of conversation or hear people talking without anyone around or could have SWORN you heard someone saying your name. This is a great indicator that your primary clair is clairaudient. When you receive intuitive hearing, you can hear things that other people can’t. It may be a soft, subtle sound (like music), or something more dramatic (like a voice), all different frequencies.. many of which only clairaudient intuitives can hear or receive.

2. You enjoy and need quiet

Intuitive people are usually highly sensitive, both emotionally and physically. Because of this, you may be sensitive to noise if you’re clairaudient..

Over stimulation through noise can make you feel:

  • tired

  • irritable

  • un-grounded

  • induce intense headaches

It can be overwhelming and frustrating when you start to develop your intuitive hearing. Family and friends don’t understand how much it affects you but It is paramount for clairaudients to have quiet time EVERY day.  Heading off to nature, noise canceling headphones or do something that brings you joy solo.

3. You talk to yourself often

While we all have an internal village that we conversate with on a daily basis, for Clairaudient Intuitives it is amplified and the addition of external entities that can make it seem one is talking soley to them self. This is not the case with Clairaudient intuitives as conversations may be with spirit guides, past loved ones, messengers, and more. This is divine information being brought forth to you.

4. Ideas and creativity flow through you

If you’re clairaudient you may have many creative, inspired ideas that flow through you — especially when you are feeling relaxed, joyful, or grateful. When you are happy, your vibration is high and you are most connected to your soul. This is why clairaudient people seek quiet.  We intuitively know that in that solitude we can connect with our Divine.

5. Your best friends were imaginary

“Imaginary” friends can be angels, Spirit guides, and even departed loved ones. Do not discount the imaginary friend of your childhood, past lives, and if you have children, their imaginary friends too. Close your eyes and try to remember back to when you have an imaginary friend While imaginary to others, your friend is very real to you. Try to remember what you friend was/is like and what they helped you with. This will open a new door to deeper depth. If you talked to an imaginary friend as a child, either telepathically or if you heard a physical voice, you are clairaudient.

6. Music makes you feel connected to your soul

Tom Petty once said music comes from the soul. 10000% Our heart is the space within our being that we electromagnetically extend 6-8 feet in front of and behind. The seat of the soul, the heart space is the bridge between the upper and lower energy centers, the chakras. This is also why we are drawn to resonance. Often referred to as “sound” or “vibration” therapy, resonace is the harmonization and frequency of sacred instruments. Singing bowls, Gongs, Chimes, and more drawing your clairaudience into an open state of receptive hearing. If music moves you to this extent, you may be clairaudient.

You may also be:

  • Musically inclined or play music by ear

  • Write music – You may “hear” the music before you write it, or it may feel inspired by a higher power

7. You’re the “Dear Abby” of the family

  • Do you enjoy guiding and uplifting others?

  • Do people tell you that you should charge money for giving advice or that you have a “gift”?

  • Do people call you to “vent” because you words are so soothing?

If so, you could be unknowingly channeling messages and information from your guides , which is one of the most beautiful ways to use your clairaudient gifts as long as YOU are comfortable. This is a important place to set a firm boundary in your Intuitive Development and practice

8. Hear ringing or high-pitched noises in your ears.

Endless ringing of the ears can be a sign of clairaudience. It is said that when the ears ring it is because of frequency and harmonies shifting, lifting, and changing. This ringing tells you you are sensitive to and am shift to the next level of high being.

5 Ways You Can Receive Clairaudient Messages

1. You hear YOUR own voice in your head

Clairaudience is soft and subtle.  It often sounds like when you are thinking to yourself. For example, if working with Your Clair or doing a mediumship reading and a client’s Loved one is communicating with me via my clairaudience, I don’t always hear the voice of the loved one. I hear them in my voice, in my head. Sometimes with a masculine or feminine felt energy. Think of it as a telepathic way of communicating. Once you’ve developed this intuitive gift, you’ll be able to differentiate between your own voice and the voice of Spirit, too.

2.  Sounds 

You may hear sounds, words, or music in your head. They may have literal or symbolic meanings.

If I’m giving a reading and Spirit wants me to know they recently had a birthday, I might hear the Happy Birthday song in my head.

3.  Physical Sounds from the Ether 

On rare occasions, you may hear words, music, or sounds externally with your regular hearing – yet there is no source for the sound. One day, my massage therapist and I began hearing the most beautiful music, yet there was no one else in the building and no radios around!  We could both hear this ethereal music with our normal hearing.

4. The voice of Spirit 

Most mediums hear Spirit telepathically in their own voice. But sometimes, the voice of Spirit will sound like it did while they were living.

5.  Clairaudient warnings

If a person is in distress and their spirit team needs to get their attention pronto, they MAY hear a clairaudient warning out loud. This phenomena is NOT meant to be scary, but can be startling (this is another reason why Spirit prefers to communicate with gentle, telepathic messages). Your spirit guides team protects you by yelling “STOP”, listen!!

Where Do Clairaudient Messages Come From?

Once you are far enough along in your psychic development, you’ll begin to get a sense of who is sending you a message and why.

  • It might be from your Spirit Guides

  • It could be from someone you love who’s passed on

  • It could be from your Higher Self

  • Hear ringing in your ears or a high pitched sounds, yet there is no medical reason. (This might be your Spirit Guides trying to get your attention.)

How to Develop Your Clairaudience

1. Train Yourself to Hear Astral Sounds

  • Why this works:  As you train yourself to hear more in the physical worldit will be easier for you to pick up sounds from the Spirit world. (Makes it easier to detect subtle clairaudient messages because you are more “tuned in”.) We live in a noisy world and we automatically filter out noise. The easiest way to start developing clairaudience is to practice sensitizing your hearing.  

How do I Develop Clairaudience? Exercise:

If it is safe to do so, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.  Set the intention that you want to increase your psychic hearing. Relax your body and let hearing be your dominant sense. Gently tune into sounds that you don’t normally focus on.  What can you hear?

  • Wind soughing through trees

  • A full chorus of birds

  • Your cell phone chiming that you’ve received a text

  • A song that invokes memories, places, spirits

Try this exercise in several locations and see just how much you can hear.  Stretch yourself and try your psychic hearing in different directions and with different focus.  Developing clairaudience requires a couple of key ingredients: practice and the desire to learn.